How To Update Your Email Address

Email Addresses are unique to each online Bidding Account

Email addresses are all individually verified. If you get a new email address, you will have to go through the process of signing up a new account and verifying that email address. 

- First you will need to go to the website and click Register/ Login in the top right-hand corner.

Register  Login

- Type in your new email address in the email field and click Next. If done correctly you will be taken to the confirmation page shown below.

Enter Email

Email Confirmation

- You will then need to go to your email inbox where you must click the link in the email “Register Account”. *NOTE* You have to do this yourself- Tech Support cannot do it for you because they do not have access to your email inbox. 

Register Account

- Once you have done this, you will be brought to the registration page where you have to fill out your first and last name as well as a password and confirm the password. You will also need to accept the Bidder terms and conditions, and click Create my account. *NOTE*  Our password requirements are: min 8 characters, 1 capital, 1 number/special character.

Register Fill Out

4. From the phone number page, you will need to enter a primary phone number (and additional number if available). You can also choose to opt-in to receiving SMS updates. If you choose to opt-in you will receive a text message notifying you when they have been outbid during an auction. If you opt to receive these SMS text messages, you will receive a 6 digit code via text message from Google. You must type this code into the prompt on the screen to complete this verification process to receive the SMS text Notifications. Once that is complete click Save which will take you to the Billing Address Information page.

Phone Numbers

- On the Billing Address Information page fill out you full address including city, state, country and postal code. You also may enter your company name, sales tax number and secondary address. Once the information is filled out, click save at the bottom.

Full Address 

- Once your new email account is set up, please call tech support at 919-361-1111 ext. 2 and let them know of your new account and that you want your old one deactivated. This will complete the transfer.